
Showing posts from April, 2021
                Nutrition Guidance During the COVID-19 Proper nutrition and hydration are very important in daily routine life. People who eat a well-balanced diet tend to be healthier with stronger immune systems and a low chance of chronic illnesses and infectious diseases. Eat fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat, brown rice, or starchy tubers or roots like potato, yam, taro or cassava), and foods from animal sources (like  meat, fish, eggs, and milk). Choose vegetables and   fresh fruit rather than junk foods that are high in sugar, fat, or salt. Do not overcook vegetables  as this can lead to the loss of important vitamins. Water is  vital for life drink 8–10 a glass of water every day. Water is a good source  for hydration, but you can also consume other fresh fruit juice. Avoid  processed meats because they are high in fat and salt. Where possible,  opt for low-fat or reduced-fat versions of milk and dairy products. When cooking

Breastfeeding During the Covid-19 Pandemic

                                                       Breastfeeding during the COVID-19 DR. MD. Ehtesham Ansari Consultant- Pediatrics (Patna) Breast milk is a good source of nutrition for babies and keeps them against illness. There are few tips for care mothers and babies safe during the COVID-19: The virus has not found in breast milk, It is recommended all mothers are advised to continue breastfeeding is good hygiene during feeding. Use a mask during feeding. Proper hands with soap before and after touching the baby. Wipe and disinfect surfaces regularly. It means that continuing to breastfeed is the finest way to fight the virus and protect your baby. If a mother finds covid-19 with symptoms of fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, she should seek medical care early, and follow tips from a health care provider. Mothers taking additional care with hygiene by practicing the 3 Ws with wearing a mask whenever near to the baby.   Breastfeeding is a good source of providing ideal foo
                                          What is covid 19? DR. MD. Ehtesham Ansari Consultant- Pediatrics (Patna) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a transferable disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus Many individuals infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and will improve without needing special treatment. Older people are more likely to develop seriously illnesses from underlying medical problems such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer. The COVID-19 virus spreads mainly through droplets or nostrils when an infected person coughs or sneezes. What are the symptoms of covid 19? COVID-19 touches different people in different ways. There are three types of symptoms of COVID-19 . Most common symptoms: Fever Dry cough Body pain Less common symptoms: Aches and pains Sore throat Diarrhea Conjunctivitis Headache Taste or smell Rash on skin

What is the difference between malaria and dengue?

                                    D ifference B etween Malaria And Dengue Dr. Rakesh Kumar  Consultant- General Medicine Malaria and dengue are significant public health problems in India and are a major threat to the survival of scores of Indians across the country.       ·        Dengue is considered to be one of the most dangerous and fast-spreading mosquito-borne viral diseases in the world.   S ymptoms of Malaria are as follows:- · Fever  · Chills. · Headaches. · Nausea.  · Vomiting. · Muscle pain. · Fatigue Symptoms of Dengue are as follows:- · Pain behind the eyes. · Swollen glands. · Rashes. How Does Treatment for Malaria and Dengue Differ? Most medicines used in the treatment of malaria and dengue are concentrated in your blood to attack the parasites that are formed by diseases. People with severe cases of malaria may require a continuous intravenous infusion (brought directly into your veins via a catheter). Meanwhile, the effects

What do you need to know about the new Covid-19 variants?

About The New Covid-19 Variants What is COVID-19? The word covid – 19 means CO-covid, VI-virus, and D-disease, which is spread by a virus. This is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. The disease was first revealed in 2019, it was known as nCov – novel coronavirus. This virus is a new virus belonging to the same family, which is related to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the common cold. What are the symptoms of COVID-19?  Originally, covid – 19 symptoms may include – Fever Cough Running nose Pain in chest Shortness of breath In more severe cases pneumonia or difficulty in breathing may occur due to infection. In more rare cases when the infection is aggravated the disease can become incurable and cause death. The symptoms are matches to the flu (influenza), so it can be difficult to detect. This is why testing is necessary to confirm   covid-19 .          How does COVID-19 spread?  This virus is an infectious disease that can be spread by direct contact with t

How to Protect Yourself From Malaria?

SAVE YOURSELF FROM MALARIA Dr. Rakesh Kumar  Consultant- General Medicine A disease affected by a Plasmodium parasite is spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes. Malaria is a blood disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite, which is transferred from one person to another by a mosquito. Generally, the disease is spread by an infected female anopheles mosquito bite. Early-stage symptoms of malaria: high fever Chills headache Sweat Fatigue Getting nausea Vomiting Dry cough back pain Muscle aches Safety and Prevention from malaria: When it is dark outside, first go to an air-conditioned room. Wear protective clothing (full length of clothes.). Use of insect repellents. Use a bed net instead of a coil. Coils are harmful to the lungs and should never be disclosed to children and asthma patients. Awareness required resident welfare associations (RWAs) about ways to prevent the mosquitoes from a background in your areas.  Involving community children in these activities can make it even more

What are the following Instructions for Preventing Running Injuries?

Dr. Piyush Thakur Consultant -  Orthopedic Preventing Running Injuries  Running is an excellent form of exercise and is perfect for people   daily in its pandemic times. There are some important tips to   keep   in mind, which should help you prevent injuries while   running,   improve your performance, and build your fitness to get the most out of this activity.   1. Use compression socks • The use of compression socks can also support accelerating recovery by preventing injury and increasing blood circulation , which can prevent swelling, pain, discomfort, and fatigue in your legs and feet.    • It can also help keep the feet warm while going out in winter. Black compression socks are particularly sought after because they can provide both style and comfort and can match any outfit.   2. Avoid overdoing • One of the main reasons that people injure themselves by running is overdosing, resulting in all kinds of serious injuries.  • The general rule of thumb in running
Steps for staying safe during COVID 19 Pandemic Make sure your workplace is clean and hygienic. Alcohol base hand rub dispensers to be placed in important places surrounding the workplace. It must confirm these dispensers are regularly refilled. Face masks and paper tissues should be available at your workplaces. Do not forget to wear a face mask before going anywhere out. Always carry a paper soap, small soap bar, or an alcohol-based hand rub.  Carry your own glass, mug, bottle, and spoon to avoid using cutlery from the office pantry.  Carry your own power bank and charger to avoid borrowing it from anyone. Do not give a lift to anyone on your vehicle to maintain social distancing. Don’t touch lift buttons always use a tissue to touch it. If you are using stairs, avoid touching the walls and railing. Maintain social distancing when you interact with people. Don’t shake hands. In case of a meeting, make sure there are not too many people in the room at a time so that you can maintain s

Proper handwashing tips ?

Dr. Rakesh Kumar  Consultant- General Medicine Regular handwashing can limit the transfer of germs, like bacteria and viruses.   Following steps for proper handwash:   Wet  your hands with plenty of clean water.   Cover all areas  of your hands in soap   Mix and  rub the palms together.  Rub the palm  of one hand on the back of the other hand to clean it between your fingers. Used with the other hand. Rub the  palms together again, and clean it again between the fingers. Rub the back of the fingers against the opposite palm, interlocking the fingers as you do so. Hold the thumb  of one hand with the other hand, and rotate the closed arm around the thumb to clean it. Repeat with the other thumb and hand. Rub the  tips of the fingers of one hand on the palm of the other hand. Repeat with the other hand. If a  clean nail brush is available, gently scrub under the nails. Rinse the hands  under clean, running water. Use a  clean towel to close the tap and then dispose of it.   Contact us
  Dr. Piyush Thakur Consultant -  Orthopedic Multiple Joint Pain and Rheumatoid Arthritis    Our body pairs are related to bones in our body.    Arthritis in which the patient suffers from pain, swelling, stiffness, and joint deformity.   Two types of arthritis are common: -   • Primary arthritis- It is age-related and affects the knee joints. - Options for the treatment of this type of arthritis are meditation, exercise and lifestyle modification, and physiotherapy. • Inflammatory arthritis - In this arthritis, some joints are affected which attack the muscles, internal organs, and body tissues of our immune system. It mostly occurs in the joints of our hands and feet. • Symptoms can also be found where there are no joints in your body, such as eyes, eyes, heart, and lungs. When this occurs over a long period, a person cannot go for proper treatment, then has to have joint deformity and move from their place of origin. • The most important part is early diagnosis