Proper handwashing tips ?

Dr. Rakesh Kumar 
Consultant- General Medicine

Regular handwashing can limit the transfer of germs, like bacteria and viruses. 

Following steps for proper handwash:

  Wet your hands with plenty of clean water.

  Cover all areas of your hands in soap

  Mix and rub the palms together.

 Rub the palm of one hand on the back of the other hand to clean it between your fingers. Used with the other hand.

Rub the palms together again, and clean it again between the fingers.

Rub the back of the fingers against the opposite palm, interlocking the fingers as you do so.

Hold the thumb of one hand with the other hand, and rotate the closed arm around the thumb to clean it. Repeat with the other thumb and hand.

Rub the tips of the fingers of one hand on the palm of the other hand. Repeat with the other hand.

If a clean nail brush is available, gently scrub under the nails.

Rinse the hands under clean, running water.

Use a clean towel to close the tap and then dispose of it.

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